


In the early hours of Monday, August 26, 2013, an electrical fire caused serious damage to the Inuvialuit Corporate Group building in Inuvik.   Fortunately no one was injured and the Inuvik fire department did a remarkable job of protecting our assets and minimizing the damage to the building.

As the impact of the fire is severe enough to require significant reconstruction over several months, we have relocated the majority of our operations to other office space in town. 

We have worked hard to ensure our operations can continue as smoothly as possible. 

Most emails are now working, but there may be some interruptions as we continue to get set up.

Our switchboard has not yet been set up with our main phone number (867) 777-7000, so please be patient as we get the full system established.  Chair and CEO Nellie Cournoyea may be reached at (867) 678-5115 or ncournoyea@inuvialuit.com.

The IRC Craft Shop has moved to the former Video Effects building on Mackenzie Road.

We would appreciate your patience as we establish full operations.  As the situation changes, we will provide you with further updates.

Thank you for your understanding.


Contact Information:

Please note our new toll-free number: 1 855 777-7011

Inuvialuit Regional Corporation
Bag Service #21, Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0

Tel: (867) 777-7000
Toll-Free: 1 855 777-7011
Fax: (867) 777-7001
Email: info@inuvialuit.com


Change of Address? Keep in Touch!

If you have moved recently or are living at another address, please contact Emily Arey, IRC’s Deputy Enrolment Registrar at (867) 777-7015 / toll-free 1 855 777 7011, or email earey@inuvialuit.com.


Inuvialuit Publications
For information on how to order copies of Taimani, Nuna Aliannaittuq (place names), or Inuvialuit Nautchiangit (ethnobotany), please contact Mavis Jacobson at (867) 777-7003 or MJacobson@inuvialuit.com.
Click here »


Inuvialuktun Children's Books
As part of its mandate to preserve and promote the Inuvialuktun language, Inuvialuit Cultural Resource Centre (ICRC) has produced ten children's books in each of the three dialects.
Click here »


Resolution Health Support Program
Assistance with the Residential School Process
Click here »