Clean Transportation

Transport Canada's support of the federal government's clean air agenda in the transportation sector goes beyond regulating air emissions. Our research and development program includes developing, testing, demonstrating and promoting new clean transportation technologies.

Clean Rail Academic Grant Program

Transport Canada is leading the Government of Canada’s efforts to reduce rail sector emissions by supporting research of new and emerging technologies.

The Clean Rail Academic Grant Program provides federal funds to academic research programs currently developing technologies and practices which aim to reduce air emissions from the rail sector. The Program also supports the communication of findings from funded research to other academic institutions or the rail industry.

The amount of funding being allocated for research and development projects (“R & D Projects”) in this funding round is $250,000.  Each application is eligible to receive $25,000.

Announcement of Call for Proposals for Clean Transportation Initiative

The Clean Transportation Initiative is developed in response to the Government of Canada’s commitment to reduce transport related emissions through:

  • regulations;
  • support the adoption of clean technologies and practices; and
  • engage in research technologies and practices.

The scope of this initiative is to initiate scientific research that will improve understanding of the technical aspects of reducing emissions within the aviation, marine and rail sectors. The research will also help to identify, demonstrate, and bring to market new emission reduction operational procedures and technologies.

Transport Canada is soliciting research proposals that meet our criteria. The Call for Proposals (CFP) solicitation document presents the guidelines for submission of a proposal and proposal selection.

Only proposals that have technology readiness levels (TRLs) of 1 to 6 will be considered for contracts under this Call for Proposals.

The maximum funding available for individual contracts resulting from this Call for Proposals is $200,000. This does not include the co-investment of in-kind contributions made by the Bidder, which will form part of the total project cost.

Proposed projects must be completed by March 31, 2016.

Please check as the solicitation document will be posted at early March.