
Transport Canada regularly conducts consultations on various issues. We encourage you to visit this site regularly to learn more about our current and planned consultation activities, and how you can get involved.

Pickering Lands

On June 11, 2013, the Government of Canada announced its plan for the responsible use and management of the Pickering Lands.

Delivering on its commitment to take into account the needs of the region and stakeholders in the development of a plan for the Pickering Lands, the Government of Canada is now seeking public input on the future management and development of the remaining Pickering lands still owned by Transport Canada.

Transport Canada invites written comments until July 31, 2013.

New Bridge for the St. Lawrence

The Government of Canada is moving forward with plans to build a new bridge for the St. Lawrence to replace the Champlain Bridge. This bridge will cross the St. Lawrence River and will link the Island of Montreal to the South Shore, passing over île des Sœurs.

Transport Canada invites the public to a second series of open houses in April 2013. Come and meet our experts and share your comments on the environmental effects of the project and the proposed mitigation measures that are the subject of the second part of the environmental assessment report. This report is available on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency’s website (

Additional open house information, dates and locations can be found at:

Review of Canada's Marine Oil Spill Preparedness and Response Regime

An expert panel is conducting a pan-Canadian, evidence-based review and assessment of Canada's Marine Oil Spill Preparedness and Response Regime, as it applies to oil handling facility and ship-source oil spill preparedness and response. Interested parties are encouraged to submit written submissions.