Transportation Infrastructure Programs

Canada’s economy and way of life are directly tied to its national transportation infrastructure system. The size of the landmass that is occupied by Canada makes transportation issues complex, differing greatly across the country. Transportation infrastructure programs must take into account everything from issues specific to urban areas to the needs of remote communities, calling for a wide range of transportation infrastructure solutions.

The Transportation Infrastructure Programs Directorate integrates the project management of the various facets of infrastructure, by managing federal funding for highways, borders, railways, transit and federal bridges. By harmonizing the federal leadership of these infrastructure sectors, the Transportation Infrastructure Programs Directorate ensures that the elements of Canada’s national transportation infrastructure interoperate in a way that meets the Department’s objectives of a clean, safe, secure, and efficient inter-modal transportation system for all Canadians.

Although the transportation systems within a province/territory are the responsibility of that jurisdiction, the Transportation Infrastructure Programs Directorate has a role to play in those matters that have an interprovincial/territorial or international element to them. By playing an active role, the Department works to ensure that the important cross-border flow of people and goods continues unimpaired.

Each facet of the inter-modal transportation system has specific programs that fund them, and the Transportation Infrastructure Programs Directorate manages over $10 Billion from other levels of government and the private sector.

Over 70 professionals, primarily engineers and economists from across Canada, staff the Directorate. Transportation Infrastructure Programs provides the Department with a wide range of technical and scientific expertise on which to base its decision making. An enthusiastic and competitive group, Transportation Infrastructure Programs maintains an active workplace with participation in charitable and volunteer opportunities.