Road and Motor Vehicle Safety

Transport Canada’s Road Safety and Motor Vehicle Regulation Directorate works with industry and government partners to make Canada's roads the safest in the world.

Governed by the Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Act and the Motor Vehicle Transport Act, we propose, apply and enforce national safety standards in three main areas:

Safe Vehicles
Transport Canada sets safety standards for the design, construction and importation of the many types of motor vehicles that share our roads.

Child Safety
Transport Canada works to make sure that child car seats provide the best possible protection. 

Motor Carriers, Commercial Vehicles and their Drivers
Transport Canada establishes the safety fitness requirements by which provinces and territories regulate motor carriers under federal jurisdiction. We also regulate drivers’ hours of service to prevent accidents due to fatigue.

Learn more about other road safety initiatives:


  • 1-800-333-0371 (long distance, Canada)
  • 1-613-998-8616 (Ottawa region and from other countries)
  • Email