
Transport Canada regularly conducts consultations on various issues. We encourage you to visit this site regularly to learn more about our current and planned consultation activities, and how you can get involved.

Canadian Marine Advisory Council

Consultations on Marine Safety Service Standards

Transport Canada Marine Safety is currently reviewing and updating its standards related to services set out in regulations to better align itself with the Transport Canada Service Improvement Strategy as well as the goals of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (CSA, 2001).

This review highlights a citizen-focused service approach, and seeks public and stakeholder feedback between February 20, 2012 - May 31, 2012.

Additional information:

Railway-Roadway Grade Crossings Regulations Consultations

Transport Canada is developing Railway-Roadway Grade Crossings Regulations to promote safer grade crossings, clarify the roles and responsibilities of grade crossing owners and provide comprehensive safety standards. Prior to publishing the Regulations in the Canada Gazette, Part I, consultations are being conducted to obtain comments from the public and grade crossing owners on the draft Railway-Roadway Grade Crossings Policy and Canadian Railway-Roadway Grade Crossings Standards (formerly RTD 10).

Additional information:

  Phase 1 Phase 2
Who? General public and grade crossing owners Grade crossing owners only
  • All will get a chance to submit their comments in writing on the draft Railway-Roadway Grade Crossings Policy to Transport Canada; and
  • Grade crossing owners will have to register to phase 2.
Consultation meetings in seven provinces
When? January 30 to April 24, 2012 May and June, 2012