*** Transcriber's Note: Please set your voice synthesizer to read most punctuation. When you encounter the caret sign at the end of a line, please enter the applicable information, if necessary. *** Canada Revenue Agency T3 SCH 8 E (11) SCHEDULE 8 INVESTMENT INCOME, CARRYING CHARGES, AND GROSS-UP AMOUNT OF DIVIDENDS RETAINED BY THE TRUST T3 Year ^ - Enter the applicable tax year in the box above. Include a completed copy of this schedule with the trust's return. Part A - Calculating investment income and carrying charges - Include any information slips received. - Enter the names of the payers at the appropriate lines below. If there is not enough space, attach a separate sheet. - Include amounts credited through agencies such as banks, trust companies, and brokers. Dividends from taxable Canadian corporations Line 1 and line 8110: Actual amount of dividends other than eligible dividends from taxable Canadian corporations (box 23 of T3 slip or box 10 of T5 slip) ^ Line 2 and line 8120: Actual amount of eligible dividends from specified taxable Canadian corporations (box 49 of T3 slip or box 24 of T5 slip) ^ Line 3: Total of the actual amount of dividends from taxable Canadian corporations (line 1 plus line 2) = ^ Enter the amount from line 3 on line 03 of the T3 return. Foreign investment income Line 4: Interest from foreign sources ^ Line 5: Other foreign investment income ^ Line 6: Total foreign investment income (line 4 plus line 5) = ^ Enter the amount from line 6 on line 04 of the T3 return. Other investment income Interest: Line 7: Bonds, trust companies, banks ^ Line 8: Other deposits ^ Line 9: Mortgages, notes, and other securities ^ Line 10: Other dividends (including dividends received under a dividend rental arrangement) ^ Line 11: Other ^ Line 12: Total other investment income (add lines 7 to 11) = ^ Enter the amount from line 12 on line 05 of the T3 return. Carrying charges and interest expenses Line 13 and line 8160: Interest on money borrowed to earn investment income ^ Line 14 and line 8170: Management, safe custody, or accounting fees ^ Line 15 and line 8180: Investment counsel fees ^ Line 16 and line 8190: Other ^ Line 17: Total carrying charges (add lines 13 to 16) = ^ Enter the amount from line 17 on line 21 of the T3 return. Part B - Calculating the gross-up amount of dividends retained or not designated by the trust Line 18: Total eligible dividends reported before applying expenses (line 2 above) ^ Line 19: Eligible dividends designated to beneficiaries (line 949, Part A of Schedule 9) ^ Line 20: Total eligible dividends not designated by the trust (line 18 minus line 19) = ^ Line 21 and line 8239: Eligible dividends allocated, but not designated, to non-resident beneficiaries (eligible dividends from line 926, Column 2 of Schedule 9) ^ Line 22: Total eligible dividends available for gross up (line 20 minus line 21) = ^ Line 23: Multiply line 22 by 41%. Line 24: Gross-up amount of eligible dividends retained or not designated by the trust = ^ Line 25: Total dividends other than eligible dividends reported before applying expenses (line 1 above) ^ Line 26: Dividends other than eligible dividends designated to beneficiaries (line 923, Part A of Schedule 9) ^ Line 27: Total dividends other than eligible dividends not designated by the trust (line 25 minus line 26) = ^ Line 28 and line 8240: Dividends other than eligible dividends allocated, but not designated, to non-resident beneficiaries (dividends other than eligible dividends from line 926, Column 2 of Schedule 9) ^ Line 29: Total dividends other than eligible dividends available for gross up (line 27 minus line 28) = ^ Line 30: Multiply line 29 by 25% Line 31: Gross-up amount of dividends other than eligible dividends retained or not designated by the trust = ^ Line 32: Total gross-up amount of dividends retained or not designated by the trust (line 24 plus line 31) = ^ Privacy Act, Personal Information Bank number CRA PPU 015