Health Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada
About Health Canada

Access to Information Requests Completed

The following are lists of Access to Information requests processed by Health Canada. The lists are not all-inclusive. The lists contain requests completed in the last 2 years for which documents have been retrieved or treated. The lists are provided in chronological order, by month and year, and by request number. (Requests focusing on personal information or third party proprietary information are not included.)

If you wish to obtain a copy of the records released in response to these requests informally, you may contact the Access to Information and Privacy Division.




Status of Completed Request (Definitions of Dispositions)

These definitions provide a brief explanation of the Status of Completed Request

  • All disclosed: All the records relevant to the request were disclosed to the applicant (i.e., without the application of exemptions or exclusions).
  • Disclosed in part: Only a portion of the information requested was disclosed because the remainder was exempt and/or excluded.
  • All exempted: No information was disclosed because all of the information requested qualified for exemption.
  • All excluded: No information was disclosed because all of the information requested qualified for exclusion under sections 68, 68.1, 68.2, 69 or 69.1 of the Access to Information Act.
  • No records exist: The request provided sufficient information to identify the specific information sought but no relevant records were found.