Through the Economic Action Plan, the Government supports families and individuals by keeping taxes low, better protecting financial consumers, promoting low-cost and secure pension options, and meeting the health care needs of Canadians. Tax relief gives individuals and families greater flexibility to make the choices that are right for them.

Support for Individuals and Families

Job creation remains a top priority, along with helping workers get better jobs. Apprenticeship grants, retraining programs, support resources, and funding are ensuring that Canadians have access to the training, personal development and career advancement programs required to be successful in today’s global economy.

Jobs and Job Creation

Canada’s small businesses are engines for job creation that boost economic growth, representing 48 percent of the total labour force in the private sector, and contributing approximately 30 percent to Canada's GDP .

Support for Small Business

The Government of Canada’s top priorities are job creation, economic growth and long-term prosperity. Government initiatives have expanded labour markets and increased employment opportunities across Canada.

Want to find out where the jobs are in Canada?

Economic Action Plan 2013 delivers a new Building Canada plan to build roads, bridges, subways, commuter rail and other public infrastructure in cooperation with provinces, territories and municipalities.

Creating a New Building Canada Plan

National Seniors Day is an occasion for Canadians across the country to show their appreciation and celebrate seniors in their community.

Minister of State for Seniors celebrates National Seniors Day
  • Support for Individuals and Families
  • Jobs and Job Creation
  • Support for Small Business
  • Want to find out where the jobs are in Canada?
  • Creating a New Building Canada Plan
  • Minister of State for Seniors celebrates National Seniors Day

Jobs and Growth Blog



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