Western Economic Diversification Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

The West Means Business

For more than 25 years, Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) has been working to diversify the western economy while improving the quality of life of western Canadians. We aim to be a leader in building a strong, competitive West by focusing on business development, innovation and community development.

Together, we are showing the world that the West Means Business.

Feature Story

The Honourable Michelle Rempel, Minister of State for Western Economic Diversification.

Minister Rempel Announces New Initiative to Support Technology Commercialization and Business Growth in the West

Michelle Rempel was in Smartpark, a hub for innovation in Winnipeg, to announce the Western Innovation (WINN) Initiative. This targeted initiative will help Canadian businesses ensure their great ideas move from the test bench to market. >> Read More (Article Link)

Recent Announcements

November 15, 2013 - Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan invest in Hague’s Water System
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November 14, 2013 - Government of Canada investment to skills training boosts business productivity
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November 14, 2013 - Government of Canada strengthens innovation at Emily Carr University of Art and Design
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November 14, 2013 - Government of Canada confirms support for Unmanned Vehicle Systems industry
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November 12, 2013 - Harper Government Invests in Improvements to Edmonton’s Community Infrastructure
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