
Strong and effective enforcement of Canada’s environmental and wildlife protection laws is a cornerstone of the Government of Canada’s commitment to clean air, clean water and the conservation of wildlife species and their habitat.

Environment Canada’s Enforcement Branch is built around the principle of ensuring that companies and individuals comply with the pollution prevention and conservation goals of environmental and wildlife protection acts and regulations. Enforcement is delivered through the work of in-the-field enforcement officers across Canada working through the Environmental Enforcement Directorate and the Wildlife Enforcement Directorate.

Their work is carried out in cooperation with other federal, provincial and territorial governments and with international organizations involved in enforcement such as the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the United States Environmental Protection Agency and Interpol. For more information on Enforcement’s national and international partners, please visit the Partnership section of our Web site.

The work of enforcement officers also brings benefits to communities through court awarded penalties to the Environmental Damages Fund.

Find out more in the pages that follow about how Environment Canada’s Enforcement Branch is protecting the environment and conserving nature.