Federal Sustainable Development Strategy

The Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) provides Canadians with a whole-of-government view of environmental priorities at the federal level, with goals, targets, and implementation strategies across 30 departments and agencies.

The first cycle of the FSDS, covering the period 2010-2013, was tabled in Parliament in October 2010. For the first time, Canadians had a comprehensive picture of actions that support the government’s environmental sustainability.

What's new:

Progress Report

The 2012 Progress Report of the FSDS was tabled in Parliament in February 2013, showing the progress of federal departments and agencies towards achieving the goals and targets set out in the first cycle of the FSDS. 

FSDS 2013-2016

On June 14, public consultations closed on the second cycle of the FSDS, covering the period 2013-16. The final Strategy will be published later this fall.

Federal Strategies:

FSDS 2010-2013 (October 2010)

Consultation Synthesis Report for the Draft FSDS 2010-2013 (August 2010)

FSDS Progress Reports:

2012 Progress Report (February 2013)

2011 Progress Report (June 2011)

Departmental Sustainable Development Strategies:

View Departmental Sustainable Development Strategies for federal departments and agencies with responsibilities under the FSDS.


Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators