
On this page, you will find a complete listing of speeches and transcripts issued in the last twelve months. The Speeches Archive, accessible above right, lists speeches and transcripts issued more than twelve months ago.




  • Minister Aglukkaq’s remarks at Environment Canada’s Ontario Storm Prediction Centre

    Thank you for joining me today on what has been a very interesting tour. And a special thanks to David and your team for taking the time to demonstrate to me the vital role this centre plays in public safety. With the severe weather season this summer, still ongoing, it is fitting to begin here at Environment Canada’s Ontario Storm Prediction Centre.



  • Minister Kent’s speech in Brussels, Belgium, during his European tour

    Thank you for taking the time to be here this morning. My name is Peter Kent, Canada's Minister of the Environment. I am in Europe this week meeting with colleagues to discuss environmental strategies, challenges and to advance shared goals on the environment. I am also taking this opportunity to tell Canada's story, to convey what we are facing and what we are doing about it, as well as the progress we are making in protecting our environment.


  • Launch of the Oil Sands Joint Data Portal

    OTTAWA, ON -- April 22, 2013 -- / OTTAWA, ON -- le 22 avril 2013 -- Good morning, and I want to take this opportunity to wish all Canadians a Happy Earth Day. Taking care of our environment is a responsibility we take on every day and each in our own way, whether through school programs, in our work-places or in our homes. But Earth Day is special.

  • Minister Kent’s remarks announcing additional funding to enable climate change action in developing countries

    Thank you for joining me here today. I am in Washington this week to meet with my colleagues from key countries to discuss how we can make progress on a new post-2020 international climate change agreement that will be applicable to all parties, including all major emitters.


