
Biodiversity – the life forms we experience all around us, yet know remarkably little about. This wide array of ecosystems, ecological processes, species and genes is essential to our existence.

Even as scientists discover new species (estimates suggest millions remain unknown), it is clear that our biodiversity is under threat – from competing land uses, pollution, population growth and human activities.

Environment Canada and its partners work to conserve our biodiversity. Find out what they are doing to address this daunting global challenge. - Partnering in biodiversity
This is the website of the federal, provincial and territorial working group on biodiversity. It profiles biodiversity information, news and events. This website reflects the shared responsibility for biodiversity in Canada and the commitment of federal, provincial and territorial governments to achieve the goals and objectives of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity through a collaborative approach.

Invasive Alien Species
Learn about Government of Canada efforts to manage invasive species and conserve our ecosystems.

Polar Bear Conservation
Learn about Government of Canada unique conservation responsibility to protect polar bears

Biodiversity Profiles - Vancouver 2010
Find out about the biodiversity characterizing the surrounding area of six of the 2010 Winter Games' venues