Migratory Birds

When Canadians spot migratory ducks and geese, we know the seasons are changing. But these flocks are just the beginning - approximately 450 native species of birds, the majority of which are protected under the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994, and are collectively referred to as "migratory birds", make Canada their home for part of each year.

Canada shares responsibility for conservation of migratory birds with the other countries they visit. Environment Canada develops and implements policies and regulations to protect these birds and the natural habitats in which they thrive.

Why? Migratory birds are more than a source of visual and auditory pleasure. They play important ecological and biological roles in our environment and make a significant contribution to Canada’s economy.

Learn more about Environment Canada’s efforts to conserve and regulate diverse migratory bird populations:

Learn about our scientific expertise, input to international conventions, leading role in national conservation programs and migratory bird databases.

Monitoring and Reporting
Retrieve information about bird species and population trends or find out about bird banding projects across Canada.

Policy and Regulations
Find out when, where and how some bird species may be hunted and learn about efforts to limit incidental take of bird populations.