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Yellow warbler sitting on nest © iStockphotoNumber of birds killed each year by human-related activities estimated by Environment Canada scientists

Although Canada is home to billions of birds, many species are showing population declines as a result of stresses to our ecosystems. Widespread loss and fragmentation of habitat has increased the number of interactions between birds and human activities. To better understand and address the resulting impacts, Environment Canada scientists undertook a series of innovative studies to estimate the number of birds and nests inadvertently destroyed annually within Canada, as a result of a range of human activities.

Magnifying glass with stack of spiral notebook documents © 153834794 / Brian Jackson / Photos.comMandatory Information Gathering on Phthalate Substances

On July 13, 2013, a Notice was issued in the Canada Gazette, Part I: Vol. 147, No. 29 under section 71 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 requiring industry to provide information on certain phthalate substances.

Microphone © 167413074 / hh5800 / Photos.comNew Announcements in the Canada Gazette on Screening Assessments of Chemical Substances

The release of the screening assessment reports was announced in the Canada Gazette, Part I.

 World’s first civil flight, a Falcon aircraft, powered by 100% biofuel, with the T-33 aircraft tailing the Falcon in flight and measuring its engine emissions.  Photo credit: National Research Council Canada.Aircraft Powered by 100% Biofuel Found to Generate Significantly Less Particulate Emissions

A first-ever real-time in-flight emissions test of a civil aircraft powered by 100% biofuel shows that the biofuel generates significantly less particulate emissions compared to conventional aviation jet fuel.

A light-duty vehicle (2012 model) on the ERMS Chassis Dynamometer | © Environment CanadaEmissions Testing of Passenger Cars Fuelled with Ultra-Low Sulphur Gasoline

Environment Canada, partnering with Health Canada, compared the impact of ultra-low (<10 ppm) sulphur gasoline on vehicle tailpipe emissions with conventional gasoline (<30 ppm sulphur).

This is an information source for professionals with interest in environmental science, policy and management. It offers updates on scientific and technical topics of current interest, including emerging environmental concerns, progress on ongoing concerns, and environmental solutions developing in the lab and the field.