
Canadian Long-Term Outlook Report
Canada’s economy will average growth of 1.8 per cent due to its aging population.

Interest Rate Announcement Insights
The Bank of Canada hikes the overnight rate by a quarter percentage point.

Canadian Month at a Glance Report
The economy has advanced in recent months, with increases in employment and GDP.

U.S. Economic Month at a Glance Report
Slumping vehicle sales and decent labour markets send mixed signals.

Organizational Performance 

Rewards and Recognition Practices Report
Recognition programs may not motivate younger workers.

New to the Workforce Infographic
Show how employers help bridge school-to-work transition.

Canadian Workforce Planning Report
Organizations need a long-term view of factors affecting their workforce and plan accordingly.

Change Without Migraines Webinar
How to determine the support or resistance you can expect when introducing elements of change.

Public Policy

NAFTA 2.0 Report
Five key objectives for Canada ahead of NAFTA renegotiations.

Canada’s Immigration System: 150 Years Later Blog
A look at the evolution of Canada’s immigration system since Confederation.

Provincial Food Report Card Report
Saskatchewan ranked top province on food report card. 

Canada’s Health Care Future Report
Health care system sustainability a key concern as Canadians get older.


Pedro Antunes speaking

Pedro Antunes joined Bloomberg TV Canada to discuss the potential economic fallout from the recent B.C. wildfires (July 12).

Interactive Chart

Map thumbnail

What climate-friendly technologies do the provinces have a competitive edge in exporting? Find out with our new interactive map and charts. (July 11)



The July edition of our newsletter includes insights into Canada’s business services industries, rewards and recognition programs in the workplace, the Canadian economic outlook beyond its 150th anniversary, and much more.


Leading Indicator of Industry Profitability
Jun 2017, CBoC

Employment, Canada
Jun 2017, CANSIM

Consumer Confidence
Jun 2017, CBoC

Leadership Development

The Directors College
Canada’s gold standard in board director education, leading to a McMaster University designation.

The Niagara Institute
High-impact leadership development solutions for individuals, teams, and organizations.

Courses and Workshops

Delivering first class learning opportunities such as courses and workshops for business and government professionals to develop new skills, improve their job performance, and advance their careers.

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Two hands holding up a maple leaf to the sky

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