Covers of popular standards and mobile devices.

Most of us have never heard of standards, and yet we come into contact with standards every day without realizing it; in fact, it's hard to imagine a world without them. Standards contribute to safer homes, workplaces and public spaces. They address issues related to sustainability and the environment. And they encourage the adoption of new technologies and best practices that enhance trade and help make industry more competitive in the global marketplace. Standards help advance today, while anticipating tomorrow.

Standards development is the foundation of CSA Group. From our initial charter in 1919, we have grown to become the largest standards development organization (SDO) in Canada, with the widest subject area recognition. We also work with other SDOs around the world as a key contributor to international and harmonized standards activities. Our library of more than 3,000 standards and codes address subjects that affect the interests of industry, consumers, regulators and the public at large.

Learn about CSA Group's accreditations, our recognized balanced matrix process, and how many of our codes and standards are used by industries and regulators to help make the world a better, safer, more sustainable place.

We are accredited in the U.S. and Canada to develop standards in a wide range of subject areas that speak to product safety and performance, process improvement, best practices and safer work environments.

Our codes are often referenced in government regulations in the U.S., Canada and around the world. Find out more about these important documents and how they pertain to your business.

There are many ways you can get involved with us and help make the world a safer and more sustainable place. Find out about becoming a member, joining a committee and more.