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Welcome to the UNB Transportation Group

The UNB Transportation Group is a research group in the Department of Civil Engineering for post-graduate studies in transportation.  It is a multi-disciplinary group composed of faculty from both the engineering and economic departments, Emeritus Honorees, researchers, research assistants and graduate students.

Since our inception in 1968, the Transportation Group has continually produced professionals to participate in all facets of the transportation industry. Our graduates are employed with government (federal, provincial, and municipal), railroad companies, trucking firms, transit operations, air operations, consulting firms, and many other related industries. During the past three decades, graduates have taken positions throughout Canada, the United States, as well as a host of other countries including the Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Ghana, Jordan, Ethiopia, Egypt, India, and New Zealand.

The program offered by the Transportation Group is multi-disciplinary and multi-modal in nature. The primary objective is to produce a well-rounded transportation professional. We focus on education rather than training; the latter being the responsibility of the industry sector which employs our graduates. A further objective of the Transportation Group is to provide for educational and research opportunities in support of regional and national transportation requirements.

 What is New?


2006 Winter Seminar Series


Rural ITS Research and Testing Program

5th Atlantic Provinces Transportation Forum March 22, 2006

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