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  2. Road Transportation
  3. Road Security

Road Security

The Surface and Intermodal Security (SIMS) Directorate manages Transport Canada's road security program.  Guided by the Railway Safety Act, the International Bridges and Tunnels Act, the Transportation of Dangerous Good Act, and the federal government’s transportation security mandate, SIMS Directorate works with its partners to enhance the security of surface and intermodal transportation across Canada.

SIMS Directorate’s activities span a broad variety of surface, intermodal and multimodal security interests, including passenger and freight rail, urban transit, international bridges and tunnels, and transportation of dangerous goods (by truck and train).

International Bridges and Tunnels

The security of international bridges and tunnels in Canada is subject to the International Bridges and Tunnels Act (IBTA), which came into effect in April 2007. The Act was introduced to ensure the safety and security of all international bridges and tunnels in Canada, while maintaining the flow of people and goods across these vital trade links.

Transportation of Dangerous Goods

Transport Canada is developing a framework for the implementation of the new security provisions in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992. Key security provisions include:

  • Providing authorities for creating security regulations, measures and interim orders; and
  • Establishing mandatory requirements with respect to security plans and training in accordance with regulations

If you would like further information, please contact us by e-mail at

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