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Starling Access Services - Access A World Of Possibility

Starling Access Services

Access A World Of Possibility

Starling Access Services
Is your Web site accessible?

It's just good business...

The number of people using the World Wide Web continues to grow at an amazing rate, but many of these people:

  • browse with small-screen smart-phones or other mobile internet devices
  • don't have the latest graphical browsers and plug-ins;
  • can't see the marvelous graphics, hear the real-time audio, or navigate your interactive site;
  • own slow modems, or live in rural or remote areas with limited access to the Internet;
  • browse without graphics, use text-only browsers or subscribe to non-graphical services (like some freenets).

Starling Access Services can help you reach the widest possible audience by designing or redesigning your Web site to address each of these issues.