

More than 1,500 Canadian heritage institutions are members of the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN). CHIN's members list ranges from world-famous destinations to small community museums.

Canada's Online Heritage

CHIN provides its Canadian member institutions with a range of products and services that enable them to engage Canadian and international audiences through innovative technologies.

Working together, CHIN's member institutions are creating, presenting, managing and preserving Canada's digital heritage content. This unique collaboration has resulted in the internationally-valued Professional Exchange website and the highly successful Virtual Museum of Canada (VMC).

Who Can Join

Public, not-for-profit, Canadian museums and other heritage organizations are eligible for membership in CHIN.

Our Programs

Learn more about our Investment Programs.


Learn more about our eligibility.


Here are just a few of the benefits available to CHIN members:

  • Membership is free.
  • Eligible CHIN members may apply for investment to create online exhibits and other educational resources.
  • Members may showcase their collections to fellow professionals, and to Canadians and audiences worldwide.
  • All CHIN members receive technical support.
  • Eligible CHIN members may receive financial support for Internet access and/or Internet training.
  • Members may add job postings, events, suggested resources and other information to CHIN's Professional Exchange.
  • Members can extend their educational outreach into classrooms across Canada through the Virtual Museum of Canada's (VMC) Teachers' Centre.

To Submit a Proposal for New Content

Calls for proposals for new content are issued at least once a year for the Virtual Museum of Canada (VMC) Investment Programs.

Learn more about CHIN Membership