Symbol of the Government of Canada

Disclosure of position reclassifications

This web site provides information on reclassifications of occupied positions within the Agency.

As a separate employer, the CFIA may issue guidelines on reclassification that may differ from those of the Treasury Board.

The reclassification of positions in the CFIA is an important and necessary business management option. However, when contemplating changes to a position that could result in reclassification, management will endeavour to ensure the proper, effective and efficient use of public money. The cost implications associated with upward reclassification must be apparent and recognized and they must support accountability for classification decisions.

The information on this web site will be updated every three months.

Please note that information normally withheld under the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act does not appear on this Web site.

The information contained on this page not only shows the positions that have been reclassified but all updates as well. We are presently reviewing the data to only report on the reclassification in the Agency.

Position Reclassifications

2011-20122010-2011Previously published reports are available in archives maintained by Library and Archives Canada.