The budget will be posted at approximately 4:00 PM EDT


Minister Flaherty Prepares to Take Next Steps in Canada’s Economic Action Plan with New Canadian-Made Shoes

Minister Flaherty trying on new shoes

Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty was available for a pre-budget photo opportunity at the Roots Leather Factory, in Toronto, on Wednesday, March 20, 2013.

Photo: Jesse Johnston

Flickr: fincanada

Continuing a well-established budget tradition, the Honourable Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance, today visited the Roots manufacturing facility in Toronto to purchase Canadian-made Economic Action Plan shoes in advance of Budget Day. Minister Flaherty was also given a tour of the facility and spoke with some of the 200 employees. Read More...


Making Economic Action Plan 2013 More Accessible Immediately

As the Honourable Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance, prepares to table Economic Action Plan 2013, the Department of Finance outlined how Canadians can better access and search for information that matters most to them.

"Economic Action Plan 2013 will contain information that is important to different people for different reasons, so we are taking steps to ensure that the content can be accessed from anywhere in the world on a variety of mobile devices," said Minister Flaherty. "This year, we are also developing a variety of new products that will make the information easier to understand for average Canadians." Read More...


Building on a Proud Record of Achievement

Minister Flaherty and CIVIX student members

Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty announced that the Economic Action Plan 2013 will be tabled on Thursday, March 21. He made this announcement after his meeting on Thursday, March 14 with student members of CIVIX, a charity organization that encourages young people to become engaged, committed and active citizens.

Flickr: fincanada

In the midst of this very volatile and uncertain global economy, our Government remains squarely focused on job creation, economic growth and balancing the budget by 2015.

As I prepare the next phase of our Economic Action Plan, I am acutely aware that the Canadian economy is fragile, yet we are positioned better than many of our peers in the industrialized world. Our Government's economic policies to date have worked and placed Canada on the right track. We have lowered taxes, set out to control spending and eliminate waste, and we have brought forward targeted and modest investments to grow the economy and help the private sector create more high-quality jobs.

Our Government has also made significant progress in areas such as skills training, supporting manufacturing and innovation, and renewing our nation's infrastructure. It is a proud record of achievement.

Canada has been a leader during the global economic downturn. We are committed to ensuring we remain a leader. Of course we have more work to doin Economic Action Plan 2013 and beyond but we are building on a solid foundation. We cannot control the economic shocks that ripple outwards from other nations. Instead, we will remain focused on the things that we can control. We will not lose this focus. The reward will be a legacy we will be proud to leave to our children and grandchildren.

Message from the Honourable James M. Flaherty, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Finance

Our Minister

The Honourable James M. Flaherty

About the Minister


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