Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Achieving results for taxpayers

The power to report is a significant power. It brings a public voice to existing issues, shedding light on why they are occurring, what needs to be done to correct them and how they can be prevented in the future.

For the Taxpayers’ Ombudsman, investigating and publicly reporting on existing systemic service and fairness issues with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in the form of Special Reports is making a difference for taxpayers.

The recommendations found within each Special Report are aimed at helping the CRA improve its policies and procedures to better serve taxpayers. They are presented directly to the Minister of National Revenue.

The following is a breakdown of the Special Reports published by the Taxpayers’ Ombudsman to date:

Special Report Ombudsman’s recommendations Recommendations accepted by Minister of National Revenue
The Right to Know
Examination of the sufficiency of information in Decision Letters from the Appeals Branch of the CRA
[see recommendations]
1 1
Proving Your Status
Establishing eligibility for the Canada Child Tax Benefit
[see recommendations]
5 5
Knowing the Rules
Confusion about the rules governing the Tax-Free Savings Account
[see recommendations]
3 3
Earning Credits
Service and fairness issues in the assessment of tuition tax credits for expenses incurred attending educational institutions outside Canada
[see recommendations]
5 5
Acting on ATIP
Service issues in the CRA’s Access to Information and Privacy processes
[see recommendations]
7 7
Getting it Right
Investigation of service and fairness issues arising from the misallocation of payments by the CRA
[see recommendations]
3 3
6 reports 24 recommendations made 24 recommendations accepted

Select [see recommendations] under each Special Report title to view the recommendations specific to that report.

The Taxpayers' Ombudsman also achieves results for Canadians by investigating and resolving individual taxpayer complaints. For more information, see the Digest of Taxpayer Service Rights.