Contact Us

We will answer most questions in 2 to 30 working days, depending on the complexity of the question and our current workload.

The fastest way for us to do so is to help you find the information already available on-line.  We invite you to start by reading Frequently Asked Questions, where many of your questions may already have been answered.  The Site map and Search pages will also help you find specific information.

If you are looking for military personnel records, please visit the Canadian Genealogy Centre of Library and Archives Canada.

SERVING MEMBERS of the Canadian Forces wishing more information on eligibility, policies and directives are to submit an inquiry through their Chain of Command.

To help us provide a better answer, please include the following:

  • The purpose of your research (general interest, academic, publication, family history, etc.)
  • Your specific area of interest (army, navy, air force, First World War, military traditions, uniforms, etc.)
  • The research already completed on your question.

* All fields are required.

Directorate of History and Heritage (DHH)
National Defence Headquarters
101 Colonel By Dr
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1A 0K2

Fax: 613-990-8579