Fish and Seafood – Exports

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is responsible for regulating the export of fish and seafood.

The Fish, Seafood and Production Division is responsible for certifying that fish and seafood exports are safe and acceptable for human consumption.

The Aquatic Animal Health Division is responsible for certifying fish and seafood exports for animal health purposes.

To be eligible for export, fish and seafood destined for human consumption must originate from a registered fish processing establishment and meet defined standards. There are regulatory exceptions for live lobsters, live crabs and some products from fisher-packers. Contact your local CFIA office for more information.

Information we provide for consumers includes:

Information we provide for the food industry includes:

Reference Material

Export Requirements

Export Certification Control Program (ECCP)

Partially Completed Export Certificates

Export Licences

Cold Storage Warehouses

