Reference Listing of Accepted Construction Materials, Packaging Materials and Non-Food Chemical Products

Please be advised, as per section 32 and paragraph 92(2)(b) of the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990 (MIR), there are currently only regulatory requirements for submissions to be made to the CFIA for products and packaging used in federally registered meat establishments. With recent amendments to the Egg Regulations and Fish Inspection Regulations, there is no longer a similar regulatory requirement for fish, seafood and eggs. In addition, no regulations exist for dairy, fresh fruits and vegetables, non-meat manufactured and processed products.

However, anyone who still wishes to have their non-food chemical product or packaging material in non-meat establishments assessed in order to obtain a letter of no objection (LONO) can continue to voluntarily submit their application directly to Health Canada for an evaluation.

Therefore if you require a Letter of no Objection (LONO), Health Canada will continue to evaluate submissions for packaging materials, incidental additives, and processing aids for use in the non-meat sector (such as fish, seafood, eggs, as well as dairy, fresh fruits and vegetables, non-meat manufactured and processed products) and if deemed safe for use, Health Canada will issue a LONO to you. Please note, in such cases, the CFIA's reference listing will not be updated as a result of these specific submissions.

For further information regarding Health Canada LONO, please contact:

Food Packaging Materials and Incidental Additives Section
Chemical Health Hazard Assessment Division
Bureau of Chemical Safety
Food Directorate, Health Products and Food Branch
Health Canada
251 Sir Frederick G. Banting Driveway, Tunney's Pasture
Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9Address Locator: 2201C

Telephone: (613) 952-4028

The Reference Listing of Accepted Construction Materials, Packaging Materials and Non-Food Chemical Products is a current list of materials and non-food chemicals which have been found by the CFIA to be acceptable for use in establishments operating under the authority of the Agency. The primary purpose of this publication is to provide a ready reference for both inspection personnel and representatives of the managerial staff of establishments, to indicate acceptance status for products intended for use in establishments.

The use of pesticides in a food plant

Only those commercial pesticides that have been registered with Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) under the Pest Control Products Act (PCPA) and its Regulations and have been issued a PCP Registration Number, along with specific directions for use in a food processing plant are permitted for use in a commercial food plant, in keeping with the instructions outlined on the registered label.

To determine if a product meets these requirements, consult PMRA's Public Registry.

If you wish to have a pesticide registered for use in a food plant, application information and submission forms are available from the PMRA.

Should you require further information on a pesticide product, please contact PMRA:
Toll Free Line within Canada: 1-800-267- 6315
For calls outside of Canada: 1-613-736-3799
Fax: 613-736-3798

The inclusion of the name of the product in this list is not to be construed as an endorsement for that product by the Agency.

Use of "marketing claims" as advertising related to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) or other government agencies:

Please note that any references related to CFIA logo, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada or Health Canada certifying acceptance, approval, evaluation, registration, homologation or a category in the CFIA's reference listing, e.g. : sub-category N1, are not acceptable and should not be used as marketing tools on a private label and or any advertising tools. This is also applicable to any other communication mediums with the clientele, e.g. : website, catalogue, brochure etc., in regards to the mandatory pre-market evaluation of non-food chemicals, construction materials and packaging materials by the present program prior to their use in registered food establishments in Canada.

Therefore our policies do not permit the use of the CFIA's name or any other government agencies as mentioned above by a commercial entity. This practice may be considered as an endorsement from our Agency or other government agencies and consequently should be deleted from any marketing tools used by a Canadian or a foreign manufacturer.

The CFIA does not distribute Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for products included in this list. To obtain MSDS sheets, you can contact the manufacturer of the products directly, or you can contact the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).

Submission Requirements

To obtain acceptance for the use of packaging materials, non-food chemicals and construction materials in registered food establishments, submissions shall be sent to:

Chemical Evaluation
Canadian Food Inspection Agency

1400 Merivale Road
Postal Locator: T2-4G
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0Y9
Telephone: 613-773-5842 / fax 613-773-5642
