Upcoming Changes to ROE Web

New features and functions will soon be added to ROE Web to simplify your experience.

Changing the Primary Officer

You will be able to change the Primary Officer of your account online.

Folder structure

If you issue ROEs on behalf of more than one business, you will be able to organize your ROEs in folders in a way that makes sense to you.


As soon as you sign in, you will be asked to choose which action you want to perform in the application, such as uploading a payroll extract file or inputting a new ROE.

Easier access to the demonstration site

Anyone creating an ROE Web professional profile will be given a user reference number and will be granted access to the demonstration site. You will be able to see how the application works, practice issuing ROEs online, and test payroll extract files.

Effective management of ROE Web users

The roles of Designated Officer, Issuer and Viewer will no longer exist. Instead, Primary Officers will be able to invite individuals to access their account and choose specific rights for each of them.

No need to fax documents

Payroll Service Providers (PSPs) will be able to add new organizations to their account online.

Additional changes

  • More user friendly tables
  • New drop-down menus for easier navigation
  • Clearer error messages throughout the application
  • New calendar pop-ups eliminating the need to enter dates manually
  • Predictive search in most entry fields (typing the first few letters of a word displays a list of all the options starting with those letters)