Updates to Food Labelling and Advertising Information


The page outlines information that has been updated on the food labelling and advertising web pages.

Note: Minor amendments, such as typographical errors, that do not alter the content of the information are not listed.


Item Nature of Changes Date
Chapter 1 Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising Section 1.4.3 CFIA's Label Registration Unit has been removed to reflect the Government of Canada's decision to eliminate the mandatory pre-market registration of labels for certain meats and processed products. June 2013
Chapter 11 Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising Section 11.13 Registration of Labels has been removed to reflect the Government of Canada's decision to eliminate the mandatory pre-market registration of labels for certain meats and processed products. June 2013
Food Additive Permitted Synonyms Table To provide a list of food additive names and their synonyms that are acceptable common names for use in the ingredients lists of foods sold in Canada. June 2013
Chapter 6 Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising Updated section 6.8.1 - Dietary Fibre to provide information on the labelling and advertising of dietary fibre-containing food products based on Health Canada's new definition and general caloric value of 2 kcal (8 kJ/g) for dietary fibre. June 2013
Labelling and Advertising of Dietary Fibre-Containing Food Products To provide information on the Labelling and Advertising of Dietary Fibre-Containing Food Products based on Health Canada's new definition and general caloric value of 2 kcal (8 kJ/g) for dietary fibre. February 2013


Item Nature of Changes Date
Common Name Information Consolidated information on Common Name and provided additional guidance on choosing an appropriate common name December 2012
Chapter 4
Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising
Added Section 4.8.4 - Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) National Standard of Canada for Organic Aquaculture November 2012
Annex 4
Nutrition Labelling Compliance Test
Updated the analytical methods and techniques in the Table: Methods of Analysis used by CFIA - Nutrition Facts Table Core Information in Annex 4 of the Nutrition Labelling Compliance Test October 2012
Chapter 6
Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising
Updated the Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) values for pulses in Table 6-13 October 2012
Chapter 9
Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising
Updated Section 9.9.4 - Gluten-Free Foods to reflect Health Canada's revised position on gluten-free claims and the exemption from Nutrition Fact Table requirements October 2012
Compliance and Enforcement of Gluten-Free Claims Posted information on Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) Compliance and Enforcement of Gluten-Free Claims June 2012
Consultation on the Guidelines for Highlighted Ingredients and Flavours Posting of the Guidelines for Highlighted Ingredients and Flavours for public comments June 2012
Origin Claims Information Consolidated information on Origin Claims and provided additional information on the use of voluntary multiple country of origin statements May 2012
Country of Origin Labelling Information To provide information on country of origin labelling requirements, a new webpage on Country of Origin Labelling has been added May 2012
"Product of Canada" and "Made in Canada" Labelling Information Consolidated information on "Product of Canada" and "Made in Canada" Labelling including the Guidelines for "Product of Canada" and "Made in Canada" Claims May 2012
Labelling of Genetically Engineered Foods in Canada Factsheet Consolidated the previous two factsheets on the labelling of genetically engineered foods and voluntary labelling of products of genetic engineereing into one factsheet called Labelling of Genetically Engineered Foods in Canada May 2012
Food Irradiation Information Consolidated information on Food Irradiation May 2012
Method of Production Information Consolidated information on claims and statements related to Method of Production and provided additional guidance on the use of "Halal" claims May 2012
Legibility and Location of Labelling Information Consolidated information on Legibility and Location of Labelling Information and provided additional guidance on the legibility and location requirements for mandatory and voluntary labelling information on food labels April 2012
Date Markings Information Consolidated information on Date Markings and provided additional guidance on the date marking requirements for foods including shipping containers and modified atmosphere packaged foods April 2012
Bilingual Labelling Information Consolidated information on Bilingual Labelling and provided additional guidance on bilingual labelling of voluntary information and the exemption from bilingual labelling for local foods April 2012
Results from Web Questionnaire Posting of the Results from the Web Questionnaire April 2012
Chapter 6
Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising
Addition of Barley Beta-Glucan Concentrate (partially hydrolysed)
BarlivTM Barley Betafiber to Table 6-12
February 2012
Consultation on Wine Labelling Posting of the Consultation on Wine Labelling for public comments January 2012

2010 - 2011