CFAP Pilot Project Art of OP APOLLO

Below are shown some of the first works to be produced under the pilot project of the current Canadian Forces Artists Program (CFAP). These works were officially unveiled by General R.R. Henault, Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), and Dr. Serge Bernier, Director of History and Heritage (DHH), on Thursday, November 13, 2003 at National Defence Headquarters, Ottawa.

The chosen artists were Ardell Bourgeois (Air Force), John Horton (Navy) and Allan MacKay (Army). Their impressions were recorded while on Operation APOLLO (OP APOLLO), Afghanistan, 30 June-11 July 2002.

Ardell Bourgeois (Air Force)

Ardell Bourgeois was born in Alberta and moved several times before settling in British Columbia after his father retired from the Armed Forces. He graduated from the Emily Carr College of Art and Design in 1988. He has won fourteen awards at aviation art shows since 1994 and has seen his work displayed in museums (including the Canadian War Museum and Canadian Aviation Museum in Ottawa) and several magazines.

Ardell Bourgeois is currently living in Chilliwack, B.C. and is an active member of the Canadian Aviation Artists Association.

Aurora Time
On Guard for Thee
Queen Without a Hangar
Hercules and the Kabul Gate Guard

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John Horton (Navy)

John Horton was born in London, England and graduated from the Poole & Bournemouth School of Art before joining the Royal Navy. He worked in design and architecture for several years before moving to Vancouver in 1964. His passion for the work of marine artist increasingly has occupied his time.

John Horton is currently living in Vancouver, B.C. and is a member of the Canadian Society of Marine Artists.

Action Stations, 2002
Apollo Patrol
A Dawn Boarding
?Go Fast? - Interdiction
The Shadow

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Allan MacKay (Army)

Allan MacKay was born in Charlottetown, P.E.I., and graduated from the Nova Scotia College of Art in 1967. He has enjoyed a long and multifaceted career in the visual arts as a gallery curator / director, arts administrator and professional artist. He was the founding Director of the Southern Alberta Art Gallery, as well as Director of the Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, and of the Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery of Toronto.

Allan MacKay is currently living in Kitchener, Ontario, and works as a curatorial consultant with the Kitchener Waterloo Art Gallery.

Armoured Fighting Vehicle on way to Tarnak Farm
Patricia Platoon Commander with US Soldier in Background
Armoured Fighting Vehicle
Gunner and Barbed Wire
Three Silhouettes unloading a Hercules, Khandahar Airport