Horticulture - Exports

Canadian Fruit Tree Export Program (CFTEP)

The CFTEP is an audit based program which uses integrated pest risk management measures as the basis for the phytosanitary certification of fruit trees. The CFTEP is a stand-alone program. However, it is also designed to be compatible with the Canadian Nursery Certification Program (CNCP).

Canadian Greenhouse Certification Program (CGCP)

The CGCP is a similar phytosanitary certification program for greenhouses that export low-risk indoor foliage and flowering plants to the U.S. The CGCP allows designated greenhouses to export greenhouse plants to the U.S. under an export certification label in lieu of a traditional CFIA Phytosanitary Certificate.

Canadian Nursery Certification Program (CNCP)

The CNCP is a phytosanitary certification program for Canadian nurseries and greenhouses that ship nursery stock to the United States (U.S.) or to other Certified Facilities (CF) within Canada. The CNCP uses a Phytosanitary Management System (PSMS) to minimize pest risks so that plants consistently meet U.S. import requirements. The program offers an alternative to traditional phytosanitary certification for shipments to the U.S.

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