Biotechnology Notices of Submission

The CFIA and Health Canada post "notices of submission" on the CFIA website that describe the product and the data they receive from certain product developers who have requested safety assessments of plants with novel traits (PNTs) for unconfined release and safety assessments of novel feeds and novel foods derived from PNTs.


Submissions Posted For Public Comment

Scientific questions or information will be forwarded to CFIA and Health Canada evaluators for consideration in the assessment. Non-scientific input will be evaluated and appropriate ways of addressing it will be explored. Subject to your consent, the CFIA will forward your comments to developers whose products are being assessed and may post them on the CFIA and Health Canada web sites.  Developers will not be given your name or email and postal address, nor will any personal information be posted on the CFIA or Health Canada web site.

All personal information shall be treated in accordance with the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act.

Submission Title Developer Comment Deadline Status
DAS-81419-2 (genetically modified to be insect-resistant) for environmental release, livestock feed and food use and make a determination that this modified plant is safe Dow AgroSciences Canada Inc. 2013-07-30  
Alfalfa line designated as KK179, which has been genetically modified for reduced lignin Monsanto Canada Inc. and Forage Genetics International LLC 2013-07-18  
Soybean line designated as SYHT0H2, which has been genetically modified for herbicide resistance Syngenta Canada Inc. and Bayer CropSciences Inc. 2013-02-05  
Cotton line designated as MON 88701, which has been genetically modified for dicamba and glufosinate tolerance Monsanto Canada Inc. 2012-12-28  
Apple genetically engineered to be nonbrowning (GD743 and GS784) Okanagan Specialty Fruits Inc. 2012-07-03  
Soybean (DAS-68416-4) which has been genetically modified for herbicide resistance Dow AgroSciences Canada Inc. 2012-05-06  Approved
Soybean (DAS-444Ø6-6) which has been genetically modified for herbicide resistance Dow AgroSciences Canada Inc. 2012-01-03  
Soybean (MON 87712) which has been genetically modified for increased yield for commercial planting purposes and livestock feed and food use Monsanto Canada Inc. 2011-12-27  
Maize (Event 5307) which has been genetically modified to resist Northern and Western Corn Rootworms Syngenta Seeds Canada Inc. 2011-09-03  
Canola (MON 88302) which has been genetically modified for glyphosate tolerance Monsanto Canada Inc. 2011-08-21  Approved
Corn (MON 87427) which has been genetically modified for glyphosate herbicide tolerance Monsanto Canada Inc. 2011-06-18  Approved
Soybean (MON 87708) which has been genetically modified for Dicamba herbicide tolerance Monsanto Canada Inc. 2011-03-10  Approved

If you would like to receive e-mail notification of new submissions when they are posted, please join the notification subscription service.

Information on submissions received prior to November 2010 is available in archives maintained by Library and Archives Canada.