
Don't Move Firewood

Buy it locally. Burn it on site. Pests in your firewood can destroy our forests.

Invasive insects and diseases can exist in firewood. Moving untreated firewood, even just a few kilometres to or from a campground or a cottage, is a common way for invasive insects and diseases to spread.

These pests kill trees in our forests, cities, streets and parks. This affects air and water quality. It deprives animals of habitat. It damages private property and reduces land value. It can also have devastating effects on Canada’s forestry industry and on our ability to trade with other countries that want to keep these pests out.

The emerald ash borer, for example, has killed millions of ash trees in Canada since it first arrived from Asia. On its own, it doesn't move very far. Hiding in firewood, though, it can travel vast distances when that wood is moved by people. Then it kills more trees in new areas to which it has been moved.

Firewood and Domestically Regulated Pests

Within Canada, existing CFIA plant protection policies are in effect to strictly control the movement of firewood from regulated areas of Canada.

The following quarantine pests are regulated to prevent further spread:

Attention: Be aware of restrictions

Moving firewood from places where invasive insects and diseases have been found can be a violation of the Plant Protection Act, with penalties up to $50,000 and/or prosecution. Be aware of restrictions that may be in place before you move wood or wood products.

If you want more information about these restrictions, contact your local Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) office.


Importing Firewood?

You cannot import firewood from any country except some parts of the United States. Importing firewood from many areas of the United States is restricted or prohibited and must meet strict requirements.

Firewood that does not meet Canada's import requirements will be refused entry, returned to its place of origin or disposed of at the importer's expense. You could also face penalties or prosecution if you do not declare restricted or prohibited items such as firewood. When returning to Canada, declare all foods, animals, plants and related products at customs. These items could introduce harmful diseases, pests, viruses and micro-organisms to Canada.

Policy: D-01-12 - Phytosanitary Requirements for the Importation and Domestic Movement of Firewood.