Emerald Ash Borer Confirmed in Grey County, Ontario

July 2, 2013, Ottawa: The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has confirmed the presence of the emerald ash borer (EAB) in Grey County. The emerald ash borer was discovered on the 4th Sideroad, south of Meaford, Ontario.

Movement restrictions, which prohibit the movement of all ash materials—such as logs, branches and wood chips—and all species of firewood from the affected site, will be put in place. Property owners will be notified of these restrictions. Further regulatory measures will be considered once all survey work has been completed for the year.

The presence of EAB has now been confirmed in 31 Ontario counties, and in seven areas in the province of Quebec. Although EAB does not pose a risk to human health, it is a highly destructive beetle. It has already killed millions of ash trees in Ontario, Quebec and the United States, and poses a major economic and environmental threat to urban and forested areas of North America.

On April 1, 2014, the Agency will consolidate most of the regulated areas into one large area in Ontario and Quebec. This large area will include Highways 400, 401, 416 and 417 in Ontario and Highways 15, 20, 40 and 50 in Quebec.

This approach takes into account the CFIA's current understanding of the distribution of EAB and will more effectively slow the spread of this pest to other parts of these provinces and to the rest of Canada. For more information on this decision, please refer to The Pest Risk Management Document - Regulated Areas for Emerald Ash Borer.

The Agency will continue its surveillance, regulatory, enforcement and communications activities across Canada, but a strong focus will be placed on the outer edge of the large consolidated area, where EAB has not currently been detected. The remainder of 2013 will be a transition to this new approach.

Also, as part of the long term strategy to manage EAB, the CFIA has approved the release of two stingless wasps as new biological control agents to combat the spread of EAB. One wasp that has now been released in limited areas in southwestern Ontario by Natural Resources Canada is Tetrastichus planipennisi.

EAB can spread rapidly if it is moved by people. The public can play a key part in helping to control the spread of EAB by not moving potentially infested materials such as firewood or any ash materials such as logs, branches, nursery stock, chips or other ash wood.

The CFIA continues to work with federal, provincial and municipal governments towards slowing the spread of EAB. We all have a responsibility to protect Canada's forests.

Additional information is available on the CFIA website at www.inspection.gc.ca/pests or by calling 1-866-463-6017.


For media inquiries

Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Media Relations: 613-773-6600