Transforming the CFIA to better serve Canadians

The CFIA is committed to continuously improving itself as an organization in order to better meet the needs of stakeholders such as consumers, industry and international trading partners. It is also important for the Agency to maintain its reputation as a trusted science-based regulator. To accomplish these goals, the CFIA will build on a strong foundation and use innovative approaches, best practices and modern tools where possible.

With significant and recent investment by the Government of Canada, the CFIA will improve how it delivers its programs and activities incrementally over the next two to three years. This will provide

  • stronger, more consistent rules;
  • more effective inspection;
  • stronger commitment to service; and
  • more information for stakeholders.

While the focus to date has been modernizing food safety programs, the CFIA is also adopting broad, forward-looking plans for its animal health and plant health business lines. The CFIA is committed to better serving Canadians as well as engaging and consulting stakeholders in a transparent manner throughout the process.

CFIA transformation initiatives

Government of Canada transformation initiatives

CFIA service improvements already implemented

Information will be added to this page as it becomes available.