Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Please choose a category:

Dress and Ceremonial

  1. Can I wear my Mess Dress after retiring/ releasing from the Canadian Armed Forces?
  2. Can I wear my uniform after retiring/releasing from the Canadian Forces?
  3. Do regulations authorize the buying of wreaths for Remembrance Day or other official commemorative ceremonies at public expense?
  4. How do I acquire a copy of an official Canadian Forces badge (graphics)?
  5. In a flag party, can foreign flags be carried by CAF members?
  6. Is the use of logos permitted in the CAF? If so, what are the rules governing the production and display of a logo?
  7. What are the rules associated with flag protocol/etiquette?
  8. What constitutes the Canadian Forces?
  9. What is the process for the naming of a work, building and geographical feature?
  10. What is the process to have an official Canadian Forces badge produced?
  11. When does a parade have to be conducted in bilingual format?
  12. When they play the national anthem at a parade should I sing?
  13. While in the US, I was given my US jump wings. Can I wear foreign specialist skill badges on my uniform?
  14. Who is entitled to an official Canadian Forces badge?