Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Please choose a category:

Heritage and Traditions

  1. Can a person outside of the military chain-of-command receive a military gun salute?
  2. Can my section, NDHQ directorate, etc., have an authorized badge?
  3. Can the National Flag be dipped on parade?
  4. Can the UN Flag be used to drape a casket or can a UN beret be placed on a casket?
  5. Do I have to have my medals court-mounted?
  6. How is the Canadian flag folded during a funeral ceremony?
  7. I received a foreign award. May I wear it on my uniform?
  8. I served in the Gulf and Kuwait War. May I wear my Saudi Arabian medal as well as my Canadian Gulf and Kuwait Medal?
  9. May I wear a relative's medals?
  10. What are the origins of the Christmas dinner?
  11. Where can I get a copy of a change-of-command certificate?
  12. Who can get a battle honour and can one be given outside of a war zone?