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History Matters

Whether obscure or legendary, inspiring or curious, Canada’s history book is riddled with iconic stories. But what about those lesser-known chronicles? History Matters is your window into these big stories from our communities. Browse our podcast selection of audio and video, and tell us why this History Matters to you.

Northern Knowledge: The Canadian Arctic Expedition

Why did Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden finally decide to fund the first official scientific Expedition into the Canadian Arctic?

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Training for Freedom: The British Commonwealth Air Training Plan

What was one of the greatest unifying events in Canadian history during the Second World War?

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For Valour: Canadian Airmen and the Victoria Cross

What is the commonwealth’s highest decoration for military valour?

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The Last Spike

What event, more than 125 years ago, symbolized the birth of Canada as a modern nation?

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The R-100 Airship

Why would thousands of people, in a small Quebec town, climb metal stairs 200 feet straight up into the air?

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