About DHH

Who we are

History is a master art, integrating all fields of knowledge to yield understanding of its chosen subjects. Tradition is a set of beliefs and attitudes which guide behaviour. Heritage encompasses both, using the past to build for the future.

The Directorate of History and Heritage (DHH) is mandated to preserve and communicate Canada’s military history and foster pride in a Canadian military heritage.

DHH promotes two themes:

Both themes contribute to educating CF members and the Canadian public while shaping Canadian identity.

On 1 September, 1996, The Directorate of History (DHist) and, The Directorate of Military Traditions and Heritage (DMTH) were amalgamated to form the Directorate of History and Heritage (DHH). The Canadian Forces Music Centre (CF Mus C) was disbanded and became DHH 7 - CF Music, on 1 April, 1997.  DHH 4 (Honours and Awards) left DHH on 2 March, 2007 and became the Directorate - Honours and Recognition (DH&R).

Organizational Structure

The Directorate of History and Heritage (DHH) is divided into sections. The primary activities, responsibilities, resources and relationships of these sections are outlined as follows: