Reducing sodium at home

Cooking homemade meals lets you control how much sodium is in your food. Follow the tips below to prepare delicious foods that are low in sodium.

On this page:

Low-sodium cooking tips

  • Cook with little or no salt. Use less salt than what a recipe calls for, and taste your food before adding salt.
  • Make your own soup, sauces, and salad dressings.
  • Rinse canned vegetables, beans, lentils, and chickpeas before using.
  • Cook pasta, noodles, and rice in unsalted water
  • Use less of the seasoning that comes with taco kits, packaged macaroni and cheese, pasta, and rice mixes.
  • Limit high-sodium condiments such as BBQ sauce, soy sauce, ketchup, mustard, relish, pickles, hoisin sauce, fish sauce, and oyster sauce.

Did you know?

Our Sodium Detector can help you learn how much sodium is in the foods you eat.

Cooking with herbs and spices instead of salt

Flavour foods with herbs and spices instead of salt. Your taste buds will adjust to less salt in your food. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • basil - tastes great with tomatoes and pasta
  • cumin - adds flavour to soup, stews, and sauces
  • curry - powder - good with meat, poultry, soup, and stews
  • dill - pairs well with fish, potatoes, and eggs
  • oregano - perfect in pasta, soup, and salads
  • paprika - good with seafood, vegetables, chicken, and eggs
  • rosemary - delicious with chicken, lamb, and pork
  • thyme - goes well with beef and chicken