Meal planning

Transcript - Meal planning

What's the secret to eating healthy, delicious meals?

Meal planning.

Only 1/3 of Canadians plan meals.

Spend a few minutes a week planning healthy meals.

As a bonus, you'll save time and money.

How to plan meals in 5 easy steps:

  1. Check your fridge, freezer and cupboards for foods you have.
  2. Scan grocery flyers to find healthier foods on sale.
  3. Ask your family for meal ideas. Cover all four food groups.
  4. Write down your meal and snack ideas.
  5. Make a grocery list and go shopping.

2/3 of Canadians struggle with choosing healthier foods.

Here are three tips to make healthier choices easier when shopping:

  1. Fill your cart with healthy foods from the four food groups.
  2. Read the Nutrition Facts table.
  3. Use the % Daily Value to see if a food has a little or a lot of a nutrient.

Give meal planning a try. You might like it.

Healthy meals, happy family, happy you!


A message from Health Canada.