Application for Export Inspection and Phytosanitary Certification - Instructions

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image of an Application for export inspection and phytosanitary certification

  1. Indicate if the application is an original or an amendment.
  2. List references to documents such as letter of credit or import permit numbers, if applicable.
  3. Select ultimate or final country of destination.
  4. Select year, month, day for date of shipment.
  5. Select year, month, day for the date that inspection is required.
  6. State full name and address of person/company (whichever is applicable) sending the shipment. Note: must be a person/company in Canada.
  7. State full name and address of person/company (whichever is applicable) receiving the shipment.
  8. State full name and address of person/company (whichever is applicable) where the inspection is to be done, if different from the exporter's address.
  9. Select how the shipment will be transported from Canada.
  10. Identify information related to the means of conveyance chosen (e.g. name of vessel, trucking line, etc.)
  11. Indicate the place (country, province, or county) where products were grown, cultivated or harvested.
  12. Insert number and description of packages in shipment (e.g. 34 pots, cartons, containers, etc.)
  13. Indicate the port of entry where the shipment will first enter the destination country.
  14. List visible unique identification numbers, if any (e.g. lot numbers, brand names, etc.)
  15. Provide a detailed description, including scientific names, of the shipment products. Note: information box is expandable when completed electronically.
  16. Indicate the end-use of the products in the shipment by choosing the appropriate box.
  17. If any treatments were applied to the products in the shipment, indicate the date and details. Note: information box is expandable.
  18. Insert any additional comments/requests that would help the CFIA check for phytosanitary requirements, e.g. countries transited by shipment. Note: information box is expandable.
  19. Provide a contact person for follow-up information, if required (usually the applicant).
  20. Provide a telephone number for the contact person.
  21. Indicate if the shipment's value is less than, or greater than, $1600.
  22. Insert the billing contact name and address details.
  23. Indicate the method of payment (if using a CFIA account, provide account number).
  24. Provide preferred courier name to ship completed phytosanitary certificate.
  25. Provide the courier company account details.
  26. Provide the role, or title, of the applicant.
  27. Sign, indicating accuracy of information provided.
  28. Select year, month, day of application.

The check-box on the last page is for CFIA use only. Leave box un-checked.