Canadian Poultry Grading Program
Proposed Modifications

The Canadian Poultry Grading Program defines the requirements for marketing poultry carcasses interprovincially or nationally, including national grade names and grade standards, audit procedures and inspection methods. This program is regulated by the Livestock and Poultry Carcass Grading Regulations under the Canada Agricultural Products Act, and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice under the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act. The last regulatory amendments of the Livestock and Poultry Carcass Grading Regulations came into effect in December 1998 (Canada Gazette Vol. 132, No. 26, December 23, 1998).

The grading of meat products for export and interprovincial trade is part of the CFIA's activities in relation to meat and poultry products. Grading provides a standardised method in the quality continuum for trade purposes and is distinct from meat and poultry inspection which concentrate on food safety.

The CFIA consulted internally and externally with the poultry industry on options for moving into the future of poultry grading in Canada. As a result, we recognise the need for modification of some program elements:

1. Grading Monitoring and Grading Audit

The CFIA will switch from the current establishment-based direct monitoring of graders by CFIA inspectors to an Area-based audit of the new grading monitoring system, for domestic market purpose. Developed and implemented by the operator of the poultry slaughter establishment, this grading monitoring system will monitor the daily performance of the poultry graders (industry employees).

The CFIA's Area audits follow tasks under the CFIA Compliance Verification System (CVS) and are verified via CFIA Quality management system (QMS), similar to other activities in federally inspected establishments.

2. Poultry Grading Training and Designation

In order to comply with the Canada Agricultural Products Act and the Livestock and Poultry Carcass Grading Regulations regarding "Designation", the CFIA will develop an official national designation process for CFIA and industry graders.

3. Modification of Program Requirement - Dressing

The poultry grading criteria will remove the overlapping requirement related to the dressing of poultry carcasses. As stated in the Livestock and Poultry Carcass Grading Regulations, no grader shall grade an eviscerated poultry carcass unless the carcass meets the CFIA Meat Inspection Regulations or an Act of the legislature of a province that provides for the inspection of processed poultry.

4. Modification of Program Requirement - Dislocation of the Vertebral Column

The poultry grading criteria will allow minor dislocation of the vertebral column that is a common observation when automatic poultry equipment is used to eviscerate poultry carcasses.

For any comments or questions on the proposed modification on the Canadian Poultry Grading Program, please contact the Area Poultry Grading officer as per the following list:

Atlantic Area

Dr. Peter Scott Savage

Quebec Area

Mr. Normand Olszensky

Ontario Area

Dr. Wendy Powell

Western Area

Mr. Tom Alexander

Dr. Gurpreet Deol