Aquatic Animal Exports

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is responsible for certifying exports of aquatic animals in order to:

  • maintain access for existing aquatic animals and seafood markets where there are requirements for aquatic animal health and/or food safety, and
  • secure entry to new markets by negotiating practical, cost-effective and science-based export conditions

The CFIA certifies exports for animal health and food safety purposes, which can include fish and seafood export program requirements.

The National Animal Health Export Program facilitates Canadian export activities related to aquatic animal health. It will do this through its inspection and certification programs that are designed to meet the requirements of other countries, using science-based principles and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) standards.

What information is available?

Exporters intending to export an aquatic animal or fish and seafood product should contact the nearest CFIA Animal Health Office for information or certification requirements.