Amendment to the Health of Animals Regulations to establish a national pig traceability system - Scenarios

The following scenarios provide a description of the proposed regulatory requirements that would apply in specific situations (e.g. movements between sites, exports, etc.). The scenarios are not exhaustive but are intended to cover the most common events captured by the proposed regulatory amendments and which would soon be applicable to the Canadian pig sector.

Scenario 1: Movement of pigs to sites such as auctions, fairs, test stations, insemination centres.

Description: These requirements would apply to movements to sites such as auctions, fairs, test stations, insemination centres.

Identification requirements: All pigs would need to be identified with an approved tag

Reporting of movement information: Both the operator of the departure site and of the destination site would be required to report to the administrator the movement information within 48 hours. In the case of the operator of the departure site, within 48 hrs of departure. In the case of the operator of the destination site, within 48 hours of reception.

Movement information to be reported by operator of departure site:

  • Date of departure
  • Time of departure
  • Location of departure site and destination site
  • Identification numbers of approved tags
  • License plate number or, if there is no license plate, other identification of conveyance

Movement information to be reported by operator of destination site:

  • Date of arrival
  • Time of arrival
  • Location of departure site and destination site
  • Identification numbers of approved tags
  • License plate number or, if there is no license plate, other identification of conveyance

Other specific requirements:
All of the movement information specified above would be kept in records for five (5) years

Scenario 2: Movement of pigs to a contiguous site and within a farm (operation)

Description: This scenario applies to the movement of pigs within the same farm or operation, and either within a site (e.g. from a farm building to another farm building located on the same land parcel) or to a contiguous (adjacent) site.

This scenario does not apply to the movement of pigs within a farm and to a non-contiguous site, or to another farm (scenario 3)

Identification requirements: There is no identification requirement

Reporting of movement information: There is no movement reporting or recording requirement

Other specific requirements: There is no other specific requirement

Scenario 3: Movement of pigs from a farm site to another farm site

Description: As an alternative to the requirements provided in scenario 1, pigs can be moved from a farm site (location where pigs are bred, born, or raised for meat or breeding purposes) to another farm site, either within the same operation or between different operations under this scenario.

These requirements would not apply if the pigs are transported to a contiguous site on that farm (scenario 2)

These requirements would not apply for pig movements between farm sites registered as linked (see scenario 4)

Identification requirements: Pigs that have been bred would need to be identified with an approved tag before leaving the site where they were bred.

All other pigs would not need to be identified.

Reporting of movement information: Both the operator of the departure site and of the destination site would be required to report to the administrator the movement information within 48 hours. In the case of the operator of the departure site, within 48 hrs of departure. In the case of the operator of the destination site, within 48 hours of reception.

Movement information to be reported by operator of departure site:

  • Date of departure
  • Time of departure
  • Location of departure site and destination site
  • Number of pigs loaded
  • Identification numbers of any approved tags
  • License plate number or, if there is no license plate, other identification of conveyance

Movement information to be reported by operator of destination site:

  • Date of arrival
  • Time of arrival
  • Location of departure site and destination site
  • Number of pigs that arrived
  • Identification numbers of any approved tags
  • License plate number or, if there is no license plate, other identification of conveyance

Other specific requirements: The pigs being transported would need to be accompanied with the movement information (of the operator of the departure site) in a form that can be immediately read by an inspector.

The movement information would be kept in records for five (5) years.

Scenario 4: Movement of pigs between farm sites registered as linked1

Description: As an alternative to the requirements provided in scenario 1 and 2, pigs can be moved from a farm site (location where pigs are bred, born, or raised for meat or breeding purposes) to another farm site, either within the same operation or between different operations if the two operations been registered as linked between each other

The eligibility criteria for sites to be registered as linked are specified under the Regulations

The requests for sites to be registered as linked would be reviewed by the administrator

Sites are registered as linked for a period of six months. The registration could be renewed if the conditions are still met.

Identification requirements: Pigs that have been bred would need to be identified with an approved tag before leaving the site where they were bred.

All other pigs would not need to be identified.

Reporting of movement information: Both the operator of the departure site and of the destination site would be required to report to the administrator on a monthly basis only the total number of pigs being transported between the sites registered as linked.

The registration would be cancelled if, by the end of the 10th day of any month in the six-month period, the information is not reported.

Movement information to be kept in records (and not reported as previously communicated) by operator of departure site:

  • Date of departure
  • Time of departure
  • Location of departure site and destination site
  • Number of pigs loaded
  • Identification numbers of any approved tags
  • License plate number or, if there is no license plate, other identification of conveyance

Movement information to be kept in records (and not reported as previously communicated) by operator of destination site:

  • Date of arrival
  • Time of arrival
  • Location of departure site and destination site
  • Number of pigs that arrived
  • Identification numbers of any approved tags
  • License plate number or, if there is no license plate, other identification of conveyance

Other specific requirements: The pigs transported would be accompanied with the movement information (of the operator of the departure site) in a form that can be immediately read by an inspector.

All of the movement information specified above would be kept in records by both the operator of the departure site and the destination site for five (5) years.

Scenario 5: Movement of pigs to an assembly yard

Description: This requirement would apply to movements to an assembly yard (defined here as a site used exclusively for the purpose of collecting pigs before they are transported to an abattoir)

Identification requirements: All pigs moving to an assembly yard would need to be identified with either an approved slap tattoo or an approved tag.

Pigs already bearing an approved tag before being transported to an assembly yard would not need to be re-identified.

Reporting of movement information: Both the operator of the departure site and of the assembly yard would be required to report to the administrator the movement information within 48 hours. In the case of the operator of the departure site, within 48 hrs of departure. In the case of the operator of the assembly yard, within 48 hours of reception.

Movement information to be reported by operator of departure site:

  • Date of departure
  • Time of departure
  • Location of departure site and destination site
  • Number of pigs loaded
  • Identification numbers of approved tags or approved slap tattoos2
  • License plate number or, if there is no license plate, other identification of conveyance

Movement information to be reported by operator of destination site:

  • Date of arrival
  • Time of arrival
  • Location of departure site and destination site
  • Number of pigs that arrived (including carcasses)
  • Identification numbers of approved tags or approved slap tattoos
  • License plate number or, if there is no license plate, other identification of conveyance

Other specific requirements: All movement information specified above would be kept in records for five (5) years.

Scenario 6: Movement of pigs from an assembly yard to an abattoir

Description: This requirement would apply to movements from an assembly yard (defined here as a site used exclusively for the purpose of collecting pigs before they are transported to an abattoir) to an abattoir.

This requirement would apply to all abattoirs regardless of whether they are inspected by the Federal or Provincial/Territorial governments.

This requirement would apply to mobile abattoirs.

Identification requirements: All pigs would need to be identified with either an approved slap tattoo or an approved tag.

Pigs already bearing an approved tag or approved slap tattoo before being transported to an assembly yard would not need to be re-identified.

Reporting of movement information: Both the operator of the assembly yard and of the abattoir would be required to report to the administrator the movement information within 48 hours. In the case of the operator of the departure site, within 48 hrs of departure. In the case of the operator of the abattoir, within 48 hours of reception.

Movement information to be reported by operator of departure site:

  • Date of departure
  • Time of departure
  • Location of departure site and destination site
  • Number of pigs loaded
  • License plate number or, if there is no license plate, other identification of conveyance

Movement information to be reported by operator of destination site:

  • Date of arrival
  • Time of arrival
  • Location of departure site and destination site
  • Number of pigs that arrived (including carcasses)
  • Identification numbers of approved tags or approved slap tattoos
  • License plate number or, if there is no license plate, other identification of conveyance

Other specific requirements: All movement information specified above would be kept in records for five (5) years.

Scenario 7: Movement of pigs directly to an abattoir

Description: This requirement would apply to all abattoirs, regardless if they are inspected by the Federal or Provincial/Territorial governments

This requirement would apply to mobile abattoirs

This requirement would not apply to pigs moved to an assembly yard before being sent to an abattoir (see scenario 6)

Identification requirements: Pigs would need to be identified with either an approved slap tattoo or an approved tag

Pigs already bearing an approved tag before being transported to an abattoir would not need to be re-identified

Reporting of movement information: Both the operator of the departure site and of the abattoir would be required to report to the administrator the movement information within 48 hours. In the case of the operator of the departure site, within 48 hrs of departure. In the case of the operator of the abattoir, within 48 hours of reception.

Movement information to be reported by operator of departure site:

  • Date of departure
  • Time of departure
  • Location of departure site and abattoir
  • Number of pigs loaded
  • Identification number of approved tags or of approved slap tattoos
  • License plate number or, if there is no license plate, other identification of conveyance

Movement information to be reported by operator of the abattoir:

  • Date of arrival
  • Time of arrival
  • Location of departure site and abattoir
  • Number of pigs that arrived (including carcasses)
  • Identification numbers of approved tags or approved slap tattoos
  • License plate number or, if there is no license plate, other identification of conveyance

Other specific requirements: All movement information specified above would be kept in records for five (5) years

Scenario 8: Movement of pig carcasses

Description: This requirement would apply to all movements of pig carcasses (defined for these purposes as any part of the carcass that is not intended for human consumption) or part of a pig carcass.

Identification requirements: There would be no requirement for pig carcasses to be identified, regardless if they are disposed on-farm or transported to be disposed off-farm

Reporting of movement information: Both the operator of the departure site and of the destination site (e.g. rendering facility, dead stock centre) would be required to report to the administrator the movement information within 48 hrs. In the case of the operator of the departure site, within 48 hrs of departure. In the case of the operator of the destination site, within 48 hours of reception.

Movement information to be reported by operator of departure site:

  • Date of departure
  • Time of departure
  • Location of departure site
  • License plate number or, if there is no license plate, other identification of conveyance

Movement information to be reported by operator of destination site:

  • Date of arrival
  • Time of arrival
  • Location of destination site (alternatively, the name of the operator of the destination site)
  • License plate number or, if there is no license plate, other identification of conveyance

Other specific requirements: The pigs being transported would be accompanied with the movement information (of the operator of the departure site, including location of the destination site) in a form that can be immediately read by an inspector.

All movement information specified above would be kept in records for five (5) years.

If a pig bearing an approved tag or an approved tag that has been revoked is slaughtered or otherwise dies on a farm, the operator of the farm would keep a record of the slaughter or death of the pig and the identification number on its tag.

Scenario 9: Export of pigs

Identification requirements:

All pigs exported for immediate slaughter would need to be identified with:

  • an approved tag, or
  • approved slap tattoo or
  • ear tag
  • All pigs exported for feeding purposes would need to be identified with:
    • An ear tag or
    • Ear tattoo or
    • Approved ear tag
  • All pigs exported for all other purposes (e.g. to be bred) would need to be identified with an approved tag.

Note that the ‘ear tag' is different than the ‘approved ear tag'. The former is the same tag currently being distributed by CFIA for pig export purposes. It bears an identification number associated with the farm. The approved ear tag is distributed by the administrator and bears a number unique to the animal. The ear tattoo is also a mean of identification already recognized for pig export purposes.

Reporting of movement information: Every person who exports a pig would be required to report to the administrator the movement information within 48 hours after exportation.

Movement information to be reported by the exporter:

  • Date that the pigs were loaded onto the export conveyance
  • Location the last sites on which pigs were kept before export
  • Location to which the pigs were exported
  • Number of pigs from each of the sites where pigs were loaded onto the export conveyance
  • Number of pigs that were exported to each of those locations
  • Identification numbers of approved tags, approved slap tattoos, ear tags or ear tattoos3
  • The number of pigs bearing each of those identification numbers
  • License plate number or, if there is no license plate, other identification of conveyance

Other specific requirements: All movement information specified above would be kept in records for five (5) years.

Any other export requirements under the Health of Animals Act would apply.

Scenario 10: Import of pigs

Identification requirements: All pigs being imported would be identified with an approved tag, including pigs imported for immediate slaughter

Reporting of movement information: Every person who imports an animal would report to the administrator the movement information within 48 hours of the import

Movement information to be reported by the importer:

  • Date of reception
  • Location of the last site at which the pig was kept before import
  • Location of the site to which the pig was imported
  • Identification numbers of approved tags
  • License plate number or, if there is no license plate, other identification of conveyance

Other specific requirements: All movement information specified above would be kept in records for five (5) years.

Any other import requirements under the Health of Animals Act would apply.

1Operators may be eligible to have two sites 'linked' if pigs are moved frequently and regularly between the sites. In the event of a disease outbreak or food safety issue in one of the sites, all of the other sites linked to either one of the sites at any time in preceding six months would be considered to have linked health status and subject to disease control measures.

2The operator of the departure site and of the assembly yard would either report the identification number of the approved slap tattoo of pigs or the identification number on the approved tag borne by the pigs. As slap tattoos cannot be read on live pigs, the identification number of the tattoo would be provided by the operator of the departure to the operator of the assembly yard at the latest when the pigs arrive at the assembly yard.

3The identification number of whichever tag or tattoo being used, with the exception that the identification number borne by culled breeding pigs exported to be slaughtered from a domestic assembly yard, would not need to be reported