Presence of Radon Gas in Your Home

Transcript - Presence of Radon Gas in Your Home

Narrator: If you own a home, there are a few things you should know about Radon gas. It occurs naturally in the ground and usually seeps into the basement first and if its in your home that's where you'll find the highest concentration.

Kelley Bush - Radon Education and Awareness, Health Canada: "When radon gas finds its way into the home through crack from the foundation floor or wall through gaps around pipes or if you have a sump hole that isn't capped, it can accumulate and get to high levels."

Narrator: Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer and that's why it is important to test your home.

Kelley Bush - Radon Education and Awareness, Health Canada: "Health Canada recommends that you do a long term test for a minimum of three months. And the reason for that is radon levels vary significantly even from one day to the next so to have an accurate representation of what you're being exposed to, you want to do that long term test and the Fall/Winter time period is an ideal time as well when your windows and doors are closed."

Narrator: Do it yourself radon detectors are the simplest and cheapest way to test your home. Kits are available at home supply stores. It should be left in your home, undisturbed for three months and then sent back to the laboratory to be tested.

Narrator: For more information about radon and other potential hazards in the home you can visit or call 1 800 O-CANADA.