Part 7 - Honey Fees


1. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.

"Act" means the Canada Agricultural Products Act. (Loi)

"Regulations" means the Honey Regulations. (Règlement)

(2) Unless otherwise provided in this Part, other words and expressions have the same meaning as in the Act and the Regulations.


2. (1) The fee set out in item 1 of the table to this Part shall be paid at the time the application for the registration or renewal of registration is submitted.

(2) The fees set out in items 2 and 6 of that table shall be paid on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.

(3) Subject to section 3, the fee set out in item 3 of that table shall be paid at the time a request for an export certificate is made.

(4) Subject to section 3, the fees set out in items 4 and 5 of the table shall be paid on delivery of the inspection results. (amended : Canada Gazette Part I, May 22, 2010)

3. If a person has a charge account with the Agency, the fees referred to in subsections 2(3) or (4) are payable on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.

4. Despite section 2, if required by an inspector, the fees set out in items 2 to 6 of the table to this Part shall be paid before the service is provided if the person who requests that service

(a) has previously failed to pay a fee set out in this Notice or in the Honey Fees Order; or

(b) does not have a fixed place of residence in Canada.


Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
registration of establishments


For the registration of an establishment, or the renewal of an existing registration, under Part I.1 of the Regulations  
  (a) in the case of a producer-grader establishment $100
  (b) in the case of a packing establishment $200
  (c) in the case of a pasteurizing establishment $400
import declaration


For the verification of an import declaration for the purposes of section 47 of the Regulations $5 per shipment or 1¢ per kg of honey in the shipment, whichever is the greater amount


For the inspection of honey carried out under section 54.1 of the Regulations for export purposes $150 per shipment
4. For the inspection of honey carried out for purposes other than export $150 per inspection
5. For an appeal inspection granted under section 40 of the Regulations, unless the results of the original inspection are not confirmed by the appeal inspection, in which case no fee is payable, the fee payable is the applicable fee set out by item 3 or 4.  
compliance assistance


For services provided by an inspector, upon request from a person, for the purpose of helping that person to meet the requirements of the Act or the Regulations $21.75 per quarter hour, the time being rounded off to the nearest quarter hour, subject to a minimum fee of $87

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