Part 14 - Seeds Fees


1. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.

"Act" means the Seeds Act. (Loi)

"approved conformity verification body" means an independent body approved by the President of the Agency as competent to administer specific tasks including assessing, recommending for acceptance and subsequent audit of establishments, operators, graders and laboratories that process, import, sample, test, grade or label seeds and which has entered into an agreement with the Agency pursuant to subsection 14(1) of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act to administer specific tasks. (organisme de vérification de la conformité agréé)

"breeder plot" means a parcel of land recognized as such by the Canadian Seed Growers' Association. (parcelle du sélectionneur)

"International Rules" means the International Rules for Seed Testing, Seed Science and Technology, Volume 21, Supplement, published by the International Seed Testing Association in 1993, as amended from time to time. (Règles internationales)

"large seeded crop kinds" means the species listed in column 1 of Table 2A of the International Rules, for which a maximum seed lot size of 20 000 kg or more has been established in column 2 of that Table. (espèces à grosses semences)

"Regulations" means the Seeds Regulations. (Règlement)

"seed year" means the period beginning on July 1 of a year and ending on June 30 of the following year. (année de production semencière)

"select plot" means a parcel of land recognized as such by the Canadian Seed Growers' Association. (parcelle Select)

"small seeded crop kinds" means the species listed in column 1 of Table 2A of the International Rules, for which a maximum seed lot size of less than 20 000 kg has been established in column 2 of that table. (espèces à petites semences)

"small shipment" means an imported seed shipment that weighs less than

(a) 5 kg, in the case of large seeded crop kinds; and

(b) 500 g, in the case of small seeded crop kinds. (petit envoi)

(2) Unless otherwise provided in this Part, other words and expressions have the same meaning as in the Act and the Regulations.Application

2. (1) This Part does not apply to seed potatoes.

(2) Item 4 of Table 1 and items 1, 3 and 4, and subitems 5(a) and (b) of table 2 to this Part do not apply to establishments, operators, graders and laboratories on behalf of which an application is made, or that are recommended, by an approved conformity verification body.

Table 1

Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
seed crop and land use inspections


(1) Subject to subitem (2), for seed crop inspection services to determine the eligibility of a crop for pedigreed status the aggregate of an initial amount of $100 and $1.80 per hectare or $9.60 per hectare, in the case of hybrid corn
  (2) For the inspection of a breeder plot or select plot made to determine the eligibility of a crop for pedigreed status $80 per plot
  (3) Subject to subitem (4), for a land use inspection to determine the eligibility of a crop, which will be grown the following year, for pedigreed status the aggregate of $100 and $1.80 per hectare
  (4) If a land use inspection is carried out in the course of a seed crop inspection, the fee payable for the land use inspection is the applicable per hectare fee set out in subitem (1) (amended : Canada Gazette Part I, May 22, 2010)  
  (5) If a seed crop is determined on inspection to be ineligible for pedigreed status and if corrective measures are taken in that respect, for a re-inspection of the seed crop to determine its eligibility for pedigreed status $15 per quarter hour, the time being rounded to the nearest quarter hour, subject to a minimum fee of $90
  (6) For a seed crop or land use inspection for purposes other than to determine pedigreed status $15 per quarter hour, the time being rounded to the nearest quarter hour, subject to a minimum fee of $90
seed inspections


For seed inspection services including sampling, grading, tagging, completion of documents, sample handling or reviewing documents  
  (a) if the inspection is carried out for purposes other than certifying seed for export $15 per quarter hour, the time being rounded to the nearest quarter hour, subject to a minimum fee of $90
  (b) if the purpose of the inspection is to certify seed for export $7.50 per quarter hour, the time being rounded to the nearest quarter hour, subject to a minimum fee of $45
seed importation


(1) For services provided for the purposes of sections 40 to 42 of the Regulations in respect of each shipment of imported seed  
  (a) for a shipment of 1 500 kg or less $15
  (b) for a shipment of more than 1 500 kg $0.01 per kg
  (2) Subitem (1) does not apply in respect of  
  (a) seed imported by an authorized importer  
  (b) small shipments  
quality surveillance


(1) Subject to subitems (2) and (3), in the case of an approved conditioner or accredited grader, for quality surveillance, for each seed year  
  (a) if the volume of seed of pedigreed status conditioned or graded in the preceding seed year is $95
  (i) not more than 100 tonnes of seed, or  
  (ii) not more than two seed lots  
  (b) if the volume of seed of pedigreed status conditioned or graded in the preceding seed year is $190
  (i) more than 100 but not more than 500 tonnes of seed, or  
  (ii) more than two but not more than 10 seed lots  
  (c) if the volume of seed of pedigreed status conditioned or graded in the preceding seed year is $380
  (i) more than 500 but not more than 1 500 tonnes of seed, or  
  (ii) more than 10 but not more than 30 seed lots  
  (d) if the volume of seed of pedigreed status conditioned or graded in the preceding seed year is $760
  (i) more than 1 500 but not more than 3 000 tonnes of seed, or  
  (ii) more than 30 and not more than 100 seed lots  
  (e) if the volume of seed of pedigreed status conditioned or graded in the preceding seed year is $1510
  (i) more than 3 000 tonnes of seed, or  
  (ii) more than 100 seed lots  
  (2) No fee is payable by an accredited grader for quality surveillance in respect of seed of pedigreed status that was conditioned by an approved conditioner  
  (3) A person who is subject to two fees under subitem (1) shall pay the greater amount  
registered establishment inspections


For each inspection carried out for the purposes of subsection 87(2), paragraph 91(a), subsection 99(2) or paragraph 103(a) of the Regulations $15 per quarter hour, the time being rounded to the nearest quarter hour, subject to a minimum fee of $90
seed tests


(1) Unless otherwise specified in this Notice, for any seed tests carried out by the Agency $15 per quarter hour, the time being rounded to the nearest quarter hour
  (2) For post control tests conducted in accordance with the publication Up-to-date Version of the Seed Schemes as of 15 June 1996, published by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, as amended from time to time  
  (a) in the case of seed of certified status of a variety that is maintained in Canada $15
  (b) in all other cases $60
release of seed


(1) For the evaluation referred to in section 111 of the Regulations  
  (a) in the case of a confined release $400
  (b) in the case of an unconfined release $2,000
  (2) For a subsequent evaluation for the purposes of a renewal of authorization referred to in section 111 of the Regulations is $100
  (3) For the verification of compliance with the conditions imposed by the Minister pursuant to section 111 of the Regulations, in respect of each site of a confined release (amended : Canada Gazette Part I, May 22, 2010) $100 per year
compliance assistance


For services provided, upon request from a person, for the purpose of bringing a product, process or service into compliance with the Regulations $15 per quarter hour, the time being rounded to the nearest quarter hour, subject to a minimum fee of $90
miscellaneous services


(1) Subject to subitems (2) and (3), for training provided by the Agency $15 per quarter hour, the time being rounded to the nearest quarter hour, subject to a minimum fee of $90
  (2) For training, provided by the Agency, in groups of four to seven individuals $50 per individual per each half day or portion thereof
  (3) For training, provided by the Agency, in groups of eight or more individuals $25 per individual per each half day or portion thereof
10. For the issuance of a certificate of origin $15

3. The fee that is payable for any service, right, privilege or use of a facility described in column 1 of Table 2 is the amount set out in column 2 and is payable on the due date set out in column 3 of the table.

Table 2

Service, Right, Product or Privilege

Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
Column 3
Due Date
1. Review of application for    
  (a) accredited grader certificate $95 day of application
  (b) certificate of registration of an establishment $95 day of application
  (c) licence to operate a registered establishment $95 day of application
  (d) amendment to an accredited grader certificate, certificate of registration of an establishment or a licence to operate a registered establishment $95 day of application
  (e) any combination of paragraphs (a) to (d) $95 day of application
2. Administration of each evaluation for    
  (a) accreditation as a grader $95 day of evaluation
  (b) registration of an establishment $190 day of evaluation
  (c) licensing as operator of a registered establishment $95 day of evaluation
3. Issuance of    
  (a) accredited grader certificate $95 day of issue
  (b) certificate of registration of    
  (i) an approved conditioner $380 day of issue
  (ii) a bulk storage facility $190 day of issue
  (iii) an authorized importer $380 day of issue
  (c) licence to operate a registered establishment $95 day of issue
4. Renewal of    
  (a) accredited grader certificate $95 day of renewal
  (b) certificate of registration of    
  (i) an approved conditioner $95 day of renewal
  (ii) a bulk storage facility $95 day of renewal
  (iii) an authorized importer $783 day of renewal
  (c) licence to operate a registered establishment $95 day of renewal
5. For the purposes of the Seed Laboratory Accreditation and Audit Protocol    
  (a) accreditation of a laboratory $1,100 day of accreditation
  (b) annual renewal of an accreditation referred to in paragraph (a) $625 December 31
  (c) administration of an accredited seed analyst examination $385 day of examination
6. Review of an application for    
  (a) registration of a variety, other than a variety referred to in paragraph 68(2)(a) of the Regulations $875 day of application
  (b) registration of a variety referred to in paragraph 68(2)(a) of the Regulations $200 day of application
  (c) reinstatement of a suspended or cancelled variety registration $200 day of application
  (d) amending a variety name $200 day of application
  (e) annual renewal of the registration of a variety referred to in paragraph 68(2)(a) of the Regulations $100 day of application

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