Internet myths and rumours about cosmetics

It's probably already happened to you: a well-meaning friend or relative sends you an email about something that seems concerning or a little far out there... but still possibly true. Because you worry about others or think it's interesting, you feel compelled to pass the information on.

But how can you tell if it's true or false?

Because they are so widely used in everyday life, consumer products like cosmetics are the subject of some of the most popular hoaxes and myths on the Internet. Incorrect information can be dangerous, so it is important to determine if the information you have is factual and reliable.

Many hoax emails ask you to send it to a lot of other people, fail to provide the sources of information and use overly emotional and highly technical language. Health Canada encourages you to check warnings you get through email (or questionable websites) with known sources before passing information on to others.

Simply do searches using your web browser and check for credible sources that confirm the information. Or, you can visit one of the many websites devoted to debunking internet myths.